
Sunday, December 17, 2006

Lose Stomach Fat

If you have found that your stomach is a little more flabbier than it used to be,it's likely there are other parts of your body that have unwanted weight attached.But the stomach is often times the most noticeable.Your body cannot just eliminate fat in one area.So if you are trying to crunch your way to a flatter stomach without exercising the rest of your body and reducing your fat intake,you will never see results.
Start by doing cardio exercises to get that heart rate up and boost your metabolism.A good fast-paced walk or jog three times per week is a great way to accomplish this.
You should concentrate on your whole body but doing some exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles along with your normal exercises wont be a bad idea.Sit-ups is the best example of such exercises.After you are lying on the floor,try to pull yourself up by using your abdominal muscles only.Bending the knees during sit-ups helps neutralize the action of the hip flexors and makes the abdominal muscles work more.Sit-ups also can be hazardous to your lower back.It may create overextension and strain.When doing sit-ups,never push through back pain.Stop immediately.